
Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

Blow Soap Bubbles at -9°C

Darts, apparently, is a sport. Except it’s not. To be a darts player, all you must have is a nickname that in no way reflects what you are, like ‘Ninja’ or ‘Maverick’ when, in fact, you should be called ‘Spongebob’ or ‘Another Pint Please. ‘ You must be so accustomed to damp bars that ‘outside’ smells weird to you. A real sport, generally, requires specialist attire or gear; knee pads or a helmet, or gloves.

Photography isn’t quite like that, though people often suffer from the same affliction with feeling that to be a photographer you need to ‘look’ the part. That means owning some enormous cameras and lenses that look like they were stolen from the business end of a U2 spyplane. This isn’t the case. Photographers like Terry Richardson and Brandon Stanton are proof. It’s that old adage, that it’s a poor craftsman that blames his tools. Angela Kelly isn’t a poor crafstman.

Source: Angel Kelly website  | Facebook | Etsy (via: mymodernmet | komonews)

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